Juhan Hellerma at the annual conference of the University of Tartu Museum

Annual conference of the University of Tartu Museum will take place on 6th of December 2023. This year’s topic is the role of scientific collections in education, research, and society at large. Our research fellow Juhan Hellerma will present the paper on the meaning and presence of the objects from the past (“Minevikuasjade tähendus ja kohalolu”).
Additional information about the conference and its programme are available at the Museum’s website (in Estonian).

Liisi Keedus and Henry Mead gave papers on decadence

“Decadence in Estonian Culture” conference („Dekadents eesti kultuuris: tõlge ja tõlgendus“) took place in Tallinn on 4-6 May.

Liisi Keedus presented the results of her work with Johannes Bent in a paper “Oswald Spengler Eestis: väljavõtteid Teise maailmasõja eelsetest arvustustest ja võrdlus teiste Ida-Euroopa retseptsioonidega.”

Henry Mead gave a paper entitled “An Anarchy of Atoms: Decadence and Organicism.”

More information about the conference, as well as abstracts of the papers, are available here.

Juhan Hellerma on museums and temporality

Dr. Juhan Hellerma, who has recently joined the project, will be giving a talk at the Mõtlev muuseum (Thinking museum) conference organised by Tartu University Museum on the 12th of May. The presentation title is “Mõtestades ajaloolist aega: presentism ja temporaalne provintslus” (“Examining historical time: presentism and temporal provincialism”).

More details and the conference programme are available here.

Tommaso Giordani on the French “social” Republic

On the 18 March 2023, Tommaso Giordani presented a paper entitled “Towards the ‘République sociale’: ideological interaction and social reform in the Third Republic” at the conference Boundaries and Encounters organized by the Society for French Historical Studies and the Western Society for French History held in Detroit, Michigan, USA. Further details can be found at https://www.sfhsconference.org/