Stanisława Przybyszewska Workshop (1.10.21)

Revisiting Stanisława Przybyszewska: a 120th Anniversary Workshop 

October 2021 will mark the 120th anniversary of Stanisława Przybyszewska’s birth. One of the most original writers of interwar Poland, she remains on the margins of public consciousness, her works drastically underexplored and little read even in her birth country – and worldwide she is rarely recognised as more than a footnote in discussions of Andrzej Wajda’s film Danton or as the “victim of history” from Hilary Mantel’s 2017 Reith lecture.

The aim of this online-workshop is to initiate the change: to draw the attention of Anglophone academia to Stanisława Przybyszewska’s work. First, we want to put Przybyszewska’s name on the intellectual map of the interwar period by facilitating an international dialogue regarding her legacy. Second, we propose to open a discussion on the relevance of her ideas for the present day.

Speakers and papers:

  • Dr hab. Monika Świerkosz (Jagiellonian University) / “On the edge. Stanisława Przybyszewska and her posthuman metamorphoses”
  • Dr. Dagmara Binkowska (Gdańsk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences) / “The price of career, the price of being yourself. Women and their life choices in prosaic oeuvre of Stanisława Przybyszewska”
  • Dr hab. Marion Brandt (University of Gdańsk) / “Stanisława Przybyszewska’s inspirations from German literature”
  • Ksenia Shmydkaya (Tallinn University) / “Utopian writing, utopian reading: Stanisława Przybyszewska’s future-from-the-past”

The workshop will take place on Zoom, on 1st October 2021, from 13.00 (CET) / 14.00 (EET) to 17.00 (CET) / 18.00 (EET). In order to get access to the event, we kindly ask you to fill in the form:

Lecture by Piret Peiker at the Public Service University, Budapest, 16.03.21

As an invited guest speaker, Piret Peiker gave an electronic lecture and seminar for the research group on Politics and Governement at the Public Service University, Budapest, Hungary 16.03.2021.

The paper was entitled ‘Building a Postcolonial State: The Case of the Law on Cultural Autonomy for Ethnic Minorities, Passed in the Estonian Parliament 1925’.

The lecture introduced the historical underpinnings, political imagination and topical debates that shaped the crafting and eventual passing of the law. Drawing upon that, the seminar discussion also focused on the methodology of the approach, and emphasised the relevance of the insights of intellectual history, entangled history, and postcolonial studies for politics and governance in the present world. The seminar was chaired by Prof. Ferenc Hörcher.


Tallinn University Summer School in Transnational Intellectual History

Tallinn University has announced its summer school in Transnational Intellectual History, to run between 23-27 July 2021. The course will be run by members of the ERC Between the Times project.

Transnational Intellectual History: Comparative Methods

Assoc. Prof. Eva Piirimäe
Prof. Georgios Varouxakis

Other teaching/supervising academic staff:
Dr. Tommaso Giordani
Prof. Liisi Keedus
Dr. Henry Mead
Dr. Piret Peiker

Deadline for Applications: 30 April 2021.

Funded PhD Opportunity

The University of Stavanger is recruiting a full time, fully funded, doctoral researcher to work on ideas of progress in liberal democracy from the 19th century onwards. The doctoral researcher will be working with Dr. Tyson Retz, a past visiting fellow at the Between the Times project. More information is available here:

Open Philosophy Seminar, 02.10.20

Henry Mead will give a paper in the Open Philosophy seminar series at Tallinn University on 02.10.20 (Room S-240). Title and Abstract below:

Modernist Temporalities: Fictions, Myths, and the ‘Religious Attitude’ 

This paper first considers Frank Kermode’s account of modernist apocalyptic thinking in The Sense of an Ending (1967) as a reference point for temporality studies, noting its distinctions between secular chronicity, epiphanic kairos, and intermediate forms identifiable in modern literature. Using this theory as a frame, the paper focuses on T.E. Hulme, whose essays capture a type of modernist ‘clerical scepticism’, as Kermode puts it, in treating assertions about progress or historical crisis as humanly-constructed ‘fictions’. The paper then traces Hulme’s analysis of early 20th century thought, moving from forms of positivist progress to a vitalist perspectivism – and considers his ‘religious attitude’ in his late writing, in relation to Kermode’s categories of ‘myth’ and ‘supreme fiction’.

Event – Global Intellectual History Seminar

The Between the Times project is hosting an event on 14 of February: Vasileios Syros talking about ‘Global intellectual history’.

Vasileios Syros is a senior university lecturer at the University of Jyväskylä, and his scholarship focuses on the interaction among the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish traditions of political thought as well as on cross-cultural encounters in the early modern period. He is the author of Marsilius of Padua at the Intersection of Ancient and Medieval Traditions of Political Thought: University of Toronto Press (2012).
The seminar takes place on Friday, 14.02, at 16.15, room M 328.

Piret Peiker and Estonian Semiotics

Piret Peiker participated in the international workshop The Global Reception of Estonian Semiotics, Tallinn University on  20.12.2019 , organised by the Estonian Research Council supported research project “Around the World and Back Again: A Global Typology of the Reception of Estonian Semiotics“. Peiker’s presentation was titled “Lotman and the Tartu-Moscow School in Modern Higher Education“. It included examples of her own teaching practice using Lotman’s conceptualisation of time/space as a practical toolkit for close reading and analysis of texts from widely varying historical contexts.