Piret Peiker @ ASEEES

Piret Peiker participated in the international ASEEES (Association of Slavic, Eastern European and Eurasian Studies) Annual Convention, held in San Francisco, 23.11.– 26.11. 2019, with “Belief“ the convention topic of the year.

Peiker gave a presentation titled “If You Believe in Yourself, Then You (Will) Believe In the People“, and a talk as part of the round table discussion “A Nation Adrift: The 1944-1945 Wartime Diaries of Miksa Fenyö“ .

The first presentation took as its starting point the lines of one of the most popular songs of the Estonian anti-Soviet “Singing Revoltion“ and the conception of time expressed there, employing it to discuss the intellectual history of collective-individual relationships in Estonia. The round table focused on the edited volume of the same title, comprising the diaries of a Hungarian political and cultural figure of Jewish origins, a leading promoter of literary modernism in Hungary before and during the interwar period.

Discussing the “Conqueror’s Eye”

Piret Peiker discussed the exhibition “The Conqueror’s Eye: Lisa Reihana’s In Pursuit of Venus”  (KUMU art museum, Tallinn, Estonia, 20.09.2019-26.01.2010, curators Linda
Kaljundi, Eha Komissarov, Kadi Polli) in her newspaper review “What Characterises the Conqueror’s Eye?“  in the cultural section of the Estonian daily “Postimees”

The exhibition under review comparatively combines the video installation by the New
Zealand artist Reihana and a variety of materials on the Russian and Baltic German
representation of the “peoples of the Empire“ from the Baltic Sea to the Far North. Piret
Peiker’s review analyses the comparison, explicating the work in the field of Postcolonial Studies and highlighting the role of the non-linear depiction of time both in Reihana’s work and in the conception of the exhibition as a whole.

Piret Peiker and Ksenia Shmydkaya also took the students of their Postcolonial Studies
seminar (part of the international MA programme in Literature, Visual Culture and Film at TLU) to see the exhibition, the tour accompanied by one of curators, Dr. Kaljundi.

Progress: A fact or ideology?

Liisi Keedus held a seminar “Progress: A fact or ideology?” at Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, for MA module “Biodiversity and Global Change”, 18.10.2019. In the seminar, introduced by a small lecture, she led the discussion on the complex relationship between the political imperative of growth and the ecological imperative of limiting human impact on the environment.
The participants also debated one of the alternatives to the narrative of progress:

Seminar Presentation – Juhan Hellerma

We are glad to host Juhan Hellerma in our open philosophy seminar series and invite you all to attend. Hellerma is a PhD researcher at the University of Tartu and his talk is entitled ‘Negotiating modern temporality: Presentism vs unprecedented change’.
The seminar takes place this Friday, 8.11, at 16.15, room A 544. Everyone is warmly welcome!


Book launch roundtable – “Rethinking Historical Time”

On 6 November at 2-5.30pm a book symposium will take place at TLU School of Humanities (room M-328), marking the publication of a new collective volume, “Rethinking Historical Time: New Approaches to Presentism”.
The symposium features the presentations by the two editors (Marek Tamm and Laurent Olivier) and by one of the contributors (Liisi Keedus), but also two papers by the readers of the volume (Tommaso Giordani and Tõnu Viik).
The symposium is organized with the support of TLU Centre of Excellence in Intercultural Studies and ERC grant BETWEEN THE TIMES led by Liisi Keedus. All are welcome!

Full programme here.

Interwar influences on post-war reconstruction

Jorge Varela presented the paper

The attributeless catholicism of Alexandre Kojève

in a special panel on Political Theology at the SEF-FEP joint conference in Royal Holloway University and gave a paper entitled

Reframing the political after the End of History

at the University of Brighton as part of the After the “End of History”: Philosophy, History, Culture, Politics conference.

In these papers Jorge explored the intellectual lineage of Kojève’s political proposals during and immediately after the World War II.

‘Modernists Between the Times: Heresy and Orthodoxy in Interwar Europe’,

Henry Mead gave a paper entitled ‘Modernists Between the Times: Heresy and Orthodoxy in Interwar Europe’, at the British Association of Modernist Studies (BAMS) Conference, ‘Troublesome Modernisms’, King’s College London, 21-22 June 2019. This paper offered a comparative view of a reaction against liberalism in interwar German theology, and tensions in British modernism between notions of ‘orthodoxy’ and ‘heresy’.