Karl Barth on Political Modernity

On the 23 of May 2019, Liisi Keedus presented the paper:

A snake biting its own tail’: Karl Barth on political modernity

at the  workshop ‘Between civil war and revolution’ (23.-24.05), in the Lichtenberg-Kolleg, University of Göttingen

Liisi Keedus pidas ettekande

A snake biting its own tail’: Karl Barth on political modernity

teadusseminaril ‘Between civil war and revolution’ (23.-24.05), Göttingeni Ülikoolis, Lichtenberg-Kollegiumis.

Tommaso Giordani on Sorel and Anarchism

On the 8 July 2019, Tommaso Giordani presented a paper entitled “Was Georges Sorel an anarchist? Anti-statism, Marxism, and modes of proletarian violence” at the Communicating Community: Anarchism and its Boundaries conference held at the European University Institute in Florence. For a conference report, see here

‘Is there a European Intellectual History?’: workshop abstracts

The ‘Between the Times’ project workshop ‘Is there a European Intellectual History?’ took place on the 6th and 7th of July. During the two days we had 4 wonderful keynote talks by Balász Trencsényi, Giuseppe Bianco, Tim B. Müller, and Martin van Gelderen. In addition we also had the chance to listen to 10 wonderful talks by several younfer researchers, you can read their abstracts here.

Tommaso Giordani at Tartu University

On 20 May 2019, Tommaso Giordani presented a paper entitled “Revolution and Class Formation in Georges Sorel’s Reflections on Violence” at the Intellectual History Seminar held at the Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics of the University of Tartu. Event information can be found here