“Bildungsroman and Soviet Estonian Modernity: The Case of Silvia Rannamaa’s Kadri-novels” talk by Piret Peiker

Piret Peiker will give a presentation “Bildungsroman and Soviet Estonian Modernity: The Case of Silvia Rannamaa’s Kadri-novels” on 50th Annual ASEES (Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies) Convention, Boston MA, 6-9 December 2018. She will speak on panel, The Influence of Literature and Literary Publishing in the Formation and Transformation of Identity in Central Europe and the Baltics.

Piret Peiker will participate as discussant Artishok biennial 20.-28.10.2018

From 20 to 28 October, the passenger terminal of the Baltic railway station in Tallinn will host the VI Artishok Biennial which will use the format of a fashion exhibition. For curator Sten Ojavee (Centre for Contemporary Arts Estonia), the main aim of the exhibition is to offer a critical approach to the contemporary ideas about national identity and to offer different viewpoints on interpreting contemporary nationalism. To achieve this aim, the participating artists will be using the possibilities offered by fashion. This year’s biennial is organized by the contemporary art platform Artishok in co-operation with the Centre for Contemporary Arts Estonia.

Artishok Biennial is an experimental exhibition format created in 2008 where every participating artist will make a new work and every writer will write an article about these works. The texts are exhibited alongside the works in the gallery. AB is the only such art biennial in Estonia that brings artists and writers together to an equal platform and experiments with their mutual relationships.

Piret Peiker is invited as a discussant to a joint art performance/philosophy seminar event, 28.10, 18.00

Interview with Liisi Keedus at Estonian National Television ERR, 14.02.2018

Lääneühiskonna arengut kujundanud progressimüüt mõraneb

Progress on pidev areng paremuse suunas. Progressimüüt või -usk on ühiskondlik ootus, millele on lääne ühiskonda üles ehitatud viimased 200 aastat. See müüt on hakanud mõranema – sellest annavad aimu näiteks viimaste aastate sündmused nagu Brexit, Donald Trumpi presidendiks valimine ning kliimamuutuste ja teaduspõhisuse eitamine.

Tallinna ülikooli vanemteadur Liisi Keedus, kes uurib progressimüüti, leiab, et lääne ühiskondadel on aeg endale otsa vaadata ja asuda otsima lahendusi mõraneva progressimüüdi ümberhindamiseks.

Liisi Keedus pälvis Euroopa Teadusnõukogu (ERC) grandi, et järgneva viie aasta jooksul uurida progressimüüdi kriitikuid maailmasõdade vahelisel ajal ning miks ja kuidas leida tänapäevasele, mõranevale progressinarratiivile alternatiivseid positiivseid ühiskondlike visioone.

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