Tommaso Giordani and Henry Mead on Sorel and T.E. Hulme

Tommaso Giordani and Henry Mead published a research article on Thomas Ernest Hulme and the British reception of Georges Sorel in Modern Intellectual History. The paper argues that Hulme’s reading of Sorel as a moralist was an act of creative re-invention of the French thinker, and that it broke with much of the pre-existing British reception of Sorel. It comes with a bibliography of mentions of Sorel in Anglo-American publications between 1902 and 1922, the year of Sorel’s death.

It is accessible in open access here.

A PDF version is available in the link at the bottom.


Tommaso Giordani on Zeev Sternhell and Fascism

Tommaso Giordani has published an article in the Autumn issue of Il Pensiero Storico entitled “Zeev Sternhell, l’antilluminismo, ed il fascismo come possibilità ricorrente“. Written in the Italian language, the article examines the centrality of the Enlightenment/anti-Enlightenment distinction in Zeev’s Sternhell’s work, arguing that it constitutes the conceptual core of the Israeli historian’s oeuvre. A shortened version of the same argument can be found in English in Ideology, Theory, Practice, the blog of the Journal of Political Ideologies, under the title “Fascism as a recurring possibility: Zeev Sternhell, the anti-Enlightenment, and the politics of an intellectual history of modernity“.