“A Home in Aardla Street” by Piret Peiker

Piret Peiker’s “A Home in Aardla Street“ („Kodu Aardla tänavas“), is a contribution to the
collection of essayistic memoirs My Childhood Home Was In the Estonian SSR (Minu
lapsepõlvekodu oli Eesti NSV-s, 2019, eds. Epp Annus, Brita Melts) by a group of Estonian humanities scholars.

The contributors of varying age and background describe the material and mental lifeworlds of their early years, highlighting the syncretism and change of the home topoi during the period. Primarily a personal reminiscence, Piret Peiker’s piece contemplates the ruptures and continuities in Estonian history and perception more generally.
The book is of interest both to an academic and to a general audience.

‘The New World of Karl Barth: Rethinking the Philosophical and Political Legacies of a Theologian

Liisi Keedus has published an article on Karl Barth in The European Legacy. The full publication in Open Access is here. Here is the abstract:

It is only recently that a few histories of interwar European political thought have come to acknowledge that its discursive framing of ethical and social crises was closely interwoven with upheavals in the ways Europeans rethought and debated God. The first aim of the present article is to restore to Karl Barth (1886–1968) a central place in promulgating a thoroughly interdisciplinary approach to twentieth-century European ethical and political thought. Secondly, it seeks to correct the commonplace association of Barth’s theological revolution with radical and authoritarian political ideologies by exploring his early political thought and activities, whilst focusing on several of his most politically and intellectually influential ideas. The article concludes with a discussion of the wider implications of rethinking Barth’s role in intellectual history.

Progress: A fact or ideology?

Liisi Keedus held a seminar “Progress: A fact or ideology?” at Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, for MA module “Biodiversity and Global Change”, 18.10.2019. In the seminar, introduced by a small lecture, she led the discussion on the complex relationship between the political imperative of growth and the ecological imperative of limiting human impact on the environment.
The participants also debated one of the alternatives to the narrative of progress:

Seminar Presentation – Juhan Hellerma

We are glad to host Juhan Hellerma in our open philosophy seminar series and invite you all to attend. Hellerma is a PhD researcher at the University of Tartu and his talk is entitled ‘Negotiating modern temporality: Presentism vs unprecedented change’.
The seminar takes place this Friday, 8.11, at 16.15, room A 544. Everyone is warmly welcome!


Book launch roundtable – “Rethinking Historical Time”

On 6 November at 2-5.30pm a book symposium will take place at TLU School of Humanities (room M-328), marking the publication of a new collective volume, “Rethinking Historical Time: New Approaches to Presentism”.
The symposium features the presentations by the two editors (Marek Tamm and Laurent Olivier) and by one of the contributors (Liisi Keedus), but also two papers by the readers of the volume (Tommaso Giordani and Tõnu Viik).
The symposium is organized with the support of TLU Centre of Excellence in Intercultural Studies and ERC grant BETWEEN THE TIMES led by Liisi Keedus. All are welcome!

Full programme here.